[Update] Script Franco Auto AIM Mobile Legends 2023
Hello, this time I will share Cheat for all of you, especially Mobile Legends users. At this opportunity I will share the very popular AIM Franco Auto Script cheat. This cheat works especially for Hero Franco users where HOOK Skill 1 will hit the mark without, for example, you are curious about this No Banned Franco Auto AIM Mobile Legends Script cheat? Check out the following.
Franco is a Hero Tank mobile legends that has very good durability. Thanks to the HOOK skill one (If the target cattle and combined with other damage heroes) will make this hero very OP, Now you can try 'Script Franco' Where with this script you can easily make skill 1 / Hook Franko get 99.99% right on target. Check out the following for pemsanganya.
Features Script:
- 99.99% High Rate Franco's 'Iron Hook'.
- No. Detect Moonton
- No Banned Update (Patch Mobile Legends Next!).
- Free Script Skins Epic Franco
How to Install 99.99% Iron Hook Script
1. Download the Script Link below.
2. Move the Extract file 'com.mobile.legends' to 'Internal Memory> Android> Data'
3. Repalce All and Done, Now you can enter the game